How to find your inspiration and your truest path
Today I would like to write about how we can reconnect with our own light and inner wisdom.
We often see what we want to see, or what we feel pressure to see and sometimes we actually need to take a step back and turn our own volume down so we can turn our attention inward into the silence and away from the glare of social and worldly pressures, and away from all the external noise and stimulus that blocks our own inner knowing.
This is where our real truth can be found. Where we can experience this rare opportunity to sit within ourselves and really listen. And it’s here that you can learn the most about yourself. Your beliefs and patterns and ego become magnified and you can gain better clarity of what you need to let go of and what you need to step into to. Sometimes your most innovative ideas and inspirations come to light here. As Ram Daas said, “The quieter you become the more you can hear”. So my invitation to you today is this. On those days when clarity eludes you, in those moments when the noises feel too amplified when you’re straining your attention concentrating on those frustrations and looking outward for answers, instead of allowing the outside noise to increase, find yourself a seat, and a quiet place and dim the lights, breathe and go inward and just listen.
There you will find your inspiration and your truest path. 💟 🕉 ♥️ 👼🏻